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Tips to Help Your Child Improve their Math Grades

Schoolboy Struggling with Math Problems

Math can become very overwhelming for kids if they don’t understand the concepts.  Sometimes it’s best to take a few steps backward and relearn the concept from the beginning.  If your child or student doesn’t understand something, have them work on that topic until they master it before moving on to the next topic. Since math is taught sequentially and each topic builds on the next, it is essential to master one topic at a time.  The number one reason that people struggle in math class is because their basics and fundamentals are not fully developed.

When learning a new concept, be sure to do the practice problems at the end of each section in your book.  Check your answers and keep trying until you figure it out.  Work on the easiest problems first to build your confidence.  Confidence is everything in math.

Don’t try to do the math problems in your head.  Write everything down and solve the problem one step at a time.  Don’t try to skip steps.

Do homework and study in a quiet place with no distractions like TV or music.  Don’t do math homework late at night.

After you have figured out a problem, try and explain to someone like a friend, teacher or parent.  If you can explain your answer then it shows you have a good understanding of the topic.

Try and use good handwriting and keep your math in neat, orderly, vertical lines.  Be sure to use a pencil and eraser when working on math problems.  Many math mistakes are made from poor handwriting.

If the problem lends to it, try and draw a picture of what you are trying to do.  Visual drawings can help work out what the problem is that you are trying to solve.

After you have mastered a particular concept, read a section ahead in your math book and so you will be prepared for tomorrow’s material.

Remember confidence is the key to being successful in math.  Practice makes perfect and if you are still struggling, ask your teacher for extra help or consider hiring outside help, such as a math tutor.

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