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"Celebrating the Genius in All Kids"

Strategies to Help Kinesthetic Learners Succeed!

Evaluating-learning-stylesKinesthetic Learners often need to move around.  They are very hands on, learn by touch and enjoy physical activity.  When they speak they are very animated and use their hands to express themselves.  They like to try new things and are athletic, coordinated, and agile and excel in performing arts.  Reading and spelling can be difficult for kinesthetic learners as they have a hard time sitting still.  Often times they are mistakenly labeled as having a hyperactivity disorder such as ADD or ADHD.  The Kinesthetic learner just learns differently.

Provide your child with hands-on learning tools, including:

  • An abacus (a manual math tool with horizontal rods and moveable beads)
  • Modeling clay
  • Number lines
  • Models
  • Sandpaper or carpet (Children can use their finger to trace letters and draw shapes on textured surfaces to help retain the information.)
  • Drawing materials
  • Puzzles
  • Wooden numbers and letters
  • Globes and maps
  • Blocks and cubes
  • Felt boards
  • Computers
  • A geoboard with rubber bands (a square board with pegs used to teach shapes and geometric concepts)


Encourage your child to take short breaks in between studying or homework assignments.  When reading, have them use bright colored highlighters to highlight key points in a story.  Keeping their hands busy while they read will help them to retain information.  Utilize flash cards and have them walk or pace around the room as they are trying to memorize the facts.  When taking notes encourage them to write down key words and draw diagrams to help them to retain information.  Combine activity with studying and have them try reading while on a stationary bike or elliptical machine.  Listen to audio learning tapes or lectures while going for a walk.


To make learning more fun, try doing experiments with your kids, take them on a field trip, try role-playing or games.  Kinesthetic learners just need to learn tips and tricks to help them to make the traditional educational system work in their favor.


  1. Ask the teacher to find a willing classmate that may be able to help your child on the missed assignments. 
  2. Consider scanning and emailing the completed assignments to the teachers.  The amount of paperwork involved in catching up can be overwhelming for the child to keep track of and turn in. 
  3. Allow your child to pace themselves when catching up.  Communicate with the teachers that they will need several days to complete the assignments so they don’t get overwhelmed, especially when they are still weak from the recent illness.
  4.  Cut out extracurricular activities until they are caught up and feeling better.   They will need the extra rest.


Once your child is caught up and feeling better, reward them for their hard work.  Ice cream is always nice :).

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