Success Stories

Read About the Transformative Journey of Some of Our Students at Brock’s Academy

little girl age 6 blond hair reading a book called hop on pop by Dr Seuss


GRADE: 2nd

SCHOOL: Public School

Sam was independently evaluated early in the first grade. The results of this testing indicated that Sam was gifted, but was lagging developmentally as a reader. The approach and competitive classroom environment were really hurting Sam’s self-esteem. Today Sam says he loves to read but hates “school reading.” This is often the case when the student’s early literacy needs aren’t addressed in an appropriate fashion in the classroom.


We have been working 3 hours a week with Sam providing additional early reading support. We also work closely with Sam’s family to help them understand how children really learn to read, how to evaluate what is happening at school with reading, and how to manage making sure Sam is getting appropriate methodology for his specific learning style. Learning to read needs to be meaning based or, stated another way, “reading to learn things.'” If the “meaning'” becomes only “skill building,'” many students disengage and struggle. Sam has been learning how to read through his love of history and his current interest in wolves.

Thank God for Dr. Mel and Brock’s, it was painful to watch Sam struggling with not only the reading process, but watching his little self-esteem about himself go downhill. I can’t explain how painful that is as a mom. Today that’s changed. He is developing as a reader and feels really good about that. In the context of his classroom he is still a little apprehensive, but that just tells me how hard it is to heal a learner’s self-concept once the damage is done.

- Sam’s Mom

Teenager smiilng with dark hair


GRADE: 9th

SCHOOL: Public School

Robert is very bright and is coping with an extreme form of dsygraphia. As a result, his ability to be successful in a traditional setting without alternative support is very limited, especially with today’s pressures to “become a fluent writer'” earlier than ever before.


We have worked with Robert for several years now providing a combination education. He takes certain courses at his local public school. For the courses requiring heavy amounts of writing, Robert works with Brock’s Academy. We also provide him “study/homework'” support for his other courses when necessary. Without this type of solution in place Robert wouldn’t be able to reach his potential.

I hope you folks realize we’re on board for the next several years because we’re going to need your ongoing help to get this kid graduated.

- Robert’s Mom

teenager with red hair wearing glasses smiling


GRADE: 11th

SCHOOL: Brock’s Academy

Katie suffers from severe depression and as a result was incapable of meeting the attendance standards demanded by public school.


Katie works with a Brock’s Academy instructor 3 hours a day and will graduate with a Brock’s Academy Washington State Approved High School Diploma.

I’m so thankful for Katie that Brock’s Academy customizes a creative option for helping her exist.

- Katie’s Mom

asian girl age 8 writing with a pen


GRADE: 4th

SCHOOL: Public School

Lessa suffers from dyscalculia, a disability that usually impacts the ability to retain in long-term memory all the important “math facts.”


We provide 2 hours a week of math instruction and appropriate “learning style'” focused support.

Lessa is having so much fun now and is feeling better about herself.

- Lessa’s Mom