The Power of Words on Children (Update)
This is a topic I blogged about last spring, but it is important, and I wanted to revisit it. This time around, I have included an extensive list of phrases and sentence starters to help expand your repertoire of positive words to use with your children. Here is the first paragraph of my prior blog for your review, please visit the original posting from-May 10, 2012, for the full article.
Speak words of confidence and self-worth to your children; those words will stay with them always. Most people are unaware of the power of the spoken word and its' impact on children. Both conscious parenting and teaching require a deeper understanding of the energetic impact words carry. Words travel on a frequency that flows directly into our children's hearts and minds. Although at times it may seem like the words we say every day to our kids go in one ear and out the other, words spoken out of both love and anger will linger for a lifetime.
These words then become part of that child's self-image, which in turn manifests into who they grow up to become in the world.
It is vital to be conscious of the words we choose as a parent, teacher, or mentor. We are influencing our children's futures at the most profound level.
Positive Phrases and Sentence Starters
For this positive communication with your child to become a habit, it will take practice. Here are some examples of positive phrases and sentence starters, how many more can you think of?
I like the way you...
Your hard work has really paid off!
I trust you to...
What an imagination!
Do you know how important you are to me?
I could really see how much you were trying.
Thank you for...
That's amazing! Well done!
I feel so proud of you when you..
You really show how talented you are when you...
I am so excited that you
You can really feel proud of yourself because
You're a real winner!
| care so much about you.
I love you because...
You are a real friend; look how you.
You are a real joy.
Congratulations on the way you...
I can see how hard you worked on that, well done!
You have a lovely singing voice.
I can really see that you are improving.
You are precious
You are so important.
You are unique.
You are so caring.
You make me smile.
You have a special talent for..
Your smile brightens my day.
You are so clever.
You are one of the most creative people I know.
That's fantastic; look at how you made.
I love being with you.
Nice pitching today!
You look fantastic today.
I admire the way you.
You look great in that.
What a brilliant idea!
You're beautiful.
Wow that is fantastic.
You are so special.
That is excellent.
That is really great.
Well Done!
I knew you could do it!
You are a real superstar.
You are really smart.
That is magnificent!
You are Spectacular!
You are a great piano player!
Great game
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