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"Celebrating the Genius in All Kids"

School is out!! Summer is Finally Here!

Girls Playing Summer break is finally here and kids are enjoying a much needed rest.  They have worked hard all year long and are excited to relax, hang-out with their friends, family vacations, go to the beach, the pool, shopping, and camps, play video games and sometimes just have couch potato days.  Kids are so use to busy schedules throughout the year, that sometimes summer can create more work for mom and dad.  Kids get bored easily.

Adjusting to the new schedule of having our kids’ home and juggling driving them to day camps or childcare can be stressful.  The first week can be a bit chaotic, but the new routine will settle in and will work out.  Have faith.

Keeping our kid’s minds active is important.  They need activities to do.  If your child is demanding you bring them to the pool, make them earn it.  Yesterday my son was pleading with me to download a video game for him on the computer.  So I bargained with him and said that I would, but he had to first do a chore.  I had him clean out all of his clothes from his dresser that were too small, bag them up and bring them down to the garage to donate.  He was actually eager to do this activity and it saved me a lot of time.  I am also encouraging my kids to learn to code.  If my kids want to play video games, they first have to practice coding on is a great resource which is free and teaches kids how to code.  It is fun and educational.

Now is also a good time to have them take up a hobby, like bug collecting, coin collecting, painting or building models, cross stitching or even learn a foreign language.  Reading is also a great activity.  Encourage your child to read each day to help keep their reading skills up to help prevent the summer slide.  Hope everyone has a great start to their summer!!

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