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How Much Homework is Too Much?

According to the National Education Association, the recommended amount of homework each night is 10-minutes per grade level, as determined by homework expert, Harris Cooper.  Anything more than that is considered excessive. Schoolboy Struggling with Math Problems

The benefits of homework are kids learn good study skills and habits. They gain a better understanding of the subject matter through repetition and interpretation. Sometimes children also benefit from having their parents help them with homework, especially if they are confused about a topic.  A parent can go over the steps one-on-one with a child and cover a topic in more detail than they may receive in school. This also allows the parent to gain insight on how well their child is doing in each of their classes.

The downside of too much homework is children can become stressed out and begin to dislike school.  When homework begins to consume evenings and weekends it takes time away from kids being allowed to be kids.  This can result in homework becoming a dreaded chore rather than an enjoyable learning experience.  Too much homework can also wreak havoc on family life.  Parents and kids often argue about homework and grades, which can stress the whole family out.

If your child is receiving more than the recommended level of homework and is feeling overwhelmed, consider talking to their teachers, school counselor or principal.  You may want to also consider hiring a tutor to help your child through the homework process.  A tutor can help a child stay on top of their homework assignments, teach study skills, organization and work with your child to help them gain a better understanding of a subject matter.  This will help alleviate stress on your child and the family.

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