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"Celebrating the Genius in All Kids"

Warning, Parents! Trust Your Gut When it Comes to Your Child’s Education

Unhappy studentThe end of the school year is a time for reflection and really thinking through whether your child’s learning needs and full potential are getting met in their current educational setting.

We were recently forwarded an article from a past client about a young student and his mother who had the courage to trust her gut.  She pulled her child out of an educational environment whose policies and beliefs were limiting her son’s potential.

This mother describes in her book The Spark: A Mother’s Story of Nurturing Genius, that she was afraid of pulling her son out of school, afraid to trust herself over the professionals.  Yet she knew her son wasn’t getting what he needed, that what the professionals were doing was limiting her son.

It turns out the educational system was the problem, not her child. This is too often the case.  The educational system tends to focus on what is wrong with the student rather than what is wrong with the system itself.

In honor and respect of this mother’s courage and to remind all of us, moms, dads, and guardians, that we have been given a very powerful guidance system, our intuition, to purposefully help our children become who they are meant to be, we are re-publishing a piece written by Dr. Melodee Loshbaugh in February of 2014.

Article Reprint

Many of us just received report cards and progress reports informing us of our children’s performance in school. How did you feel about them? How did your child react to the results? If the grades and remarks were less than favorable, now may be a good time to step back and ask a few questions.

  • Is your child thriving and happy?
  • Do they look forward to going to school?
  • Are they engaged in their assignments and activities?

If not, take a moment to pause and reflect on whether your child’s learning environment is the right one for them. Is it time to try a different approach? There are so many different supportive, supplemental, and alternative options when it comes to education.  You may find yourself at a crossroads and it can be overwhelming to find the best path for your child. How will you choose the right one?

In addition to the use of rational thinking and logic to solve this dilemma, it’s important not to ignore your intuition. Intuition, that feeling that comes from deep within, may show itself. For me it’s a sense, a gut feeling…a knowing. Some might say a hunch.

Regardless of how intuition presents itself to you, let yourself acknowledge it, trust it, and take advantage of it; you were given this tool in order to protect and guide your children.

Following this feeling requires courage and trust because we live in a world that honors rational thinking and proven facts. The intuitive path may not come with a secure vision of what the future looks like, but remember that you know your child better than anyone, and no one will make a better decision than you.

As a parent (and now grandparent), I have learned to allow this higher level of wisdom to be a part of my problem solving process. As an educator it helps me guide our families toward the most fitting solution for their child, and I encourage parents to let their intuition into the process as well. I never dismiss good rational thought, I simply integrate all information I receive. I can honestly say the only decisions I’ve regretted are those in which I discounted that “intuitive knowing” deep inside myself.

– Dr. Mel

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